Robert Englund VIP Experience
2014 was the first year Wizard World opened in Minneapolis, and was the first large pop con in Minnesota. Wizard Worlds guest list for its first year was very impressive, but when they announced that Robert Englund was going to be appearing I was ecstatic. I have been a huge Nightmare on Elm Street fan for many, many years. My first introduction to the franchise was Freddy's Revenge A Nightmare on Elm Street 2, but Dream Warriors was and always has been my all time favorite. I swear I must of been one of the first to log in and pick up my Robert Englung VIP ticket for the show, I was so excited. The VIP ticket got you a autograph, photo op and VIP seating for the panel along with a large limited print of Robert and a limited Robert Englund VIP event badge. I had my costume ready and it was on point, so I decided I would do my photo op in costume on the Saturday With the master of terror Mr. Englund. We had our hotel room book and we were ready.
We checked in to our hotel on the Friday morning which was just a short walk from the convention center. We really enjoyed the opening day at the convention. I wore my X-wing pilot costume on the Friday as it was a comfortable costume to wear and get around in.
Saturday morning came and I decided to get up early and get into the con an hour early ( this was another perk of the VIP badge) I wanted to get my autograph with Robert out of costume and get a selfie with him before changing into Freddy. Even getting in to the con early there was still people in line before me at the autograph table. It was finally my time to meet my horror hero and boy I could of talk to him for a very long time. He has had so many experiences in his life, he could write a book..... and he has, you guys should pick it up its a great read (Hollywood Monster: A Walk Down Elm Street with the Man of Your Dreams).
Robert signed my official New Line Cinema replica glove for me and kindly wore it in our picture together at his table. I thought this was as good as it can get, but ohhh was I wrong. I now have a few more signature's on my glove, Tuesdays Knight, Kim Myers and Mark Patton. I would love to get Heather Langenkamp one of these days. The glove is now on display in a shadow box on my living room wall.
It was now time to transform into Freddy and terrorize the convention until my photo op time. I had so much fun as Freddy and got some great photos with a lot of people including Ivy Doomkitty.
It was time to get in line for my photo op with Robert Englund, and I was super excited. Once I made it over to the photo op area after many photo on the way, I got into line. There were about 10 people ahead of me already and a huge line forming behind me. I posed for a few photo while I was in line with some of Roberts fans, and got some incredible compliments on my costume.
After standing in line for a while a guy came out from behind the curtain that hide the photo area. He walked up to the line and was asking if anyone had a metal glove that Mr. Englund could use for the photo ops with everyone, as he only has a crappy plastic one with him at the moment. Everyone turned and point at me and said " he has a great looking glove". The guy came up to me and asked if I would mine if Mr. Englund borrowed my glove for the photos? Believe it or not I hesitated here for a moment. I had to meet some one and didn't want to be late and would have to hang out here after my photo op to collect me glove.... WHAT WAS I THINKING lol. I of course said as calmly as I could "sure no problem" The guy said "cool follow me" everyone cheered as he took me passed the people in line and behind the curtain.
There stood Robert England and I was doing everything I could to not be "THAT" fan and keep my cool lol. Robert complemented me on my costume and shook my metal claw covered hand, which is where he said " that's a nice glove" as he inspected it while it was still on my hand rolling my hand over to inspect its construction. we chatted for a moment about the glove and where I had gotten it, then it was photo time for me. I struck a typical pose not knowing if it was ok to touch Robert. He said "no that's not going to work" and he grabbed my wrist and brought the glove cover hand up to his throat. OH MY GOD !!!!! this was awesome. I let out my best Krueger evil laugh, looked directly into the camera and they snapped the picture. Amazing right? well that I thought that was that and started taking off the glove to hand to Robert. Its a little hard to get the glove off while you are wearing a silicone glove on the other hand, so it took a little time to ease it off. Once I got it off I handed it to Robert who loved the weight and feel of the glove and he slide it on like a pro. I was ready to make my exit when Robert put his hand on my should and said " one more picture, and this ones on me" WHAT!!!!!!! I wasn't sure how to pose this time as I now had no glove. So I decided to put one hand on my hart and cover it with the silicone glove hand. Robert had his now glove covered hand on my shoulder. I stared deep into the lens of the camera and Robert let out his signature laugh and the second picture was captured. He said thank you and I was led out the back to wait until he was done with everyone else, then I would get my glove back.
So there I waited and waited, and waited. After a while one of Roberts handlers came out to me, with out my glove and asked if I would please follow him. The only thing I could think of at this precise time was "Shit, Robert Englund broke my fucking glove" I know I over think things some times. As I am led back through the curtains once again I see Robert Englung with my glove laid out in his hands like he is cradling a dying bird. He goes down onto one knee and raises my glove up to me with both hand and say "thank you kind sir" WHAT AN AMAZING GUY.
This had to be the best part of any convention I have been to so far. I don't think anything will ever top it.
I went almost straight from here to his panel which I had a front row seat at, again a VIP perk. His panel was amazing. Robert gave me a nod when he took the stage, like he was saying hi again. I would of listened to his stories for hours, This man has done so much and he can tell his stories so well.
The rest of the day was just a blur. This experience will be with me for the rest of my life, Thank you Mr. Robert Englund for an amazing time